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Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Penyuluh

dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Amiruddin
dc.contributor.advisorMulyandari, Retno Sri H
dc.description.abstractAgricultural extension staffs have strategic roles towards production improvement and creating incentive for farmers, therefore extension staffs are required to be Information Communication Technology (ICT)-literate as well as to be able to become resourceful to farmers in solving the problems faced. The vast development and the availability of ICT have become the main reason to encourage agricultural extension staffs to master relevant ICT applications in order to access various information to help farmers finding solutions to the problems faced in their work. Agricultural extension process by using ICT as a medium to access valuable information and communication either with the source of information it self or between extension staffs, is an important thing to do to be able to broaden the knowledge and upgrade the competency of extension staffs, especially in accessing the newest information to increase the competitiveness of farmers in agricultural sector. This study is aimed to: 1) Investigate the utilization level of ICT in improving the competency of extension staffs. 2) Analyze the relationship between staffs’ characteristics, society factors, and motivation with the level of ICT utilization in improving their competency, 3) Analyze the relationship with the level of application ICT competency level extension staffs, 4) Analyze differences extension status (PNS and THL-TBPP) in the use of ICT. This study is a descriptive-correlational survey-based study with the sample consisting of government employee as well as contract agriculture extension staffs in 12 extension organization, agriculture, fisheries and forestry (BP3K) in Bogor regency. The sample collection method in this study is adopting Slovin’s formula with overall 117 respondents participating in this study Data collection process was conducted between March and April 2013. The primary data is also supported by qualitative data gained from interviews and observations to deepen the analysis of the quantitative data. Data is analyzed by using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and differential test analysis. Data analysis is using SPSS version 19 application. Level of application ICT by THL-TBPP is very high especially in the application of computer, internet and handphone and PNS extension belong to the category of low especially on the application of computers and internet. Extension characteristic factors (PNS and THL-TBPP) very real correlate with the level of application ICT especially age, the work experience, and extension staffs status on intensity of application ICT aspect and environment factors real correlate with the level of application ICT; and environment factors real correlate with the level of application ICT on aspect government policy with range of information sources and variety extension and extension staffs motivation real correlate with the level of application IC, then aspect of extrinsic motivation real correlate with material variation of the extension. Level of application ICT on the range of information source aspect real correlate with the competence especially on ability of understanding the potential of the region, the capacity of entrepreneurship, and the ability of network systems, also material variation of the extension aspect and varians of information very real at any level of competence of extension staffs.. PNS extension staffs and THL-TBPP real significant difference on age, work experience and level ownership TIK. PNS extension staffs relatively have the more mature age, having a long working period, and ownership of the ICT category a bit; while the THL-TBPP extension staffs are relatively young age to adult, having a short working period and medium category TIK ownership (4-6 kinds), and many (7-9 kinds). The strategy of ICT utilization in improving extension staff competency is established by building cooperation between government employee staffs and freelance staffs in transmitting innovative messages which packaged in extension material that also considers human resource development aspects and social capital improvement. Extension staff competency can also be improved through formal and informal (e.g. training, seminar, workshop) education by emphasizing equality between government employee staffs and freelance staffs so that potential indifference between these two groups can be avoided.en
dc.titleThe Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Increasing Extension Staffs Competencyen
dc.titlePemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Penyuluh
dc.subject.keywordextension staffen
dc.subject.keywordinformation and communication technologyen

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