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dc.contributor.advisorSumertajaya, I Made
dc.contributor.advisorAfendi, Farit Mochamad
dc.contributor.authorFitrianto, Muhammad Khoirul
dc.description.abstractConsumers have a background in different consuming a product from a variety of brands in the market. One of the marketing strategies that can be done is market segmentation. On the other hand, this study also examines the image of cough medicine products. The product image used to view the consumer perception on the overview of the product. One statistical approach to doing this is by using correspondence analysis. Results of the analysis applied to marketing research shows the similarities of segment between brand B and brand C. The segment similarity showed a very strong competition between the two brands in capture consumer interest in the market. On the other case, the product image analysis also showed the similarity of product image between brand B and E.en
dc.titleSegmentasi dan Analisis Citra Produk Obat Batuken
dc.subject.keywordcorrespondence analysisen
dc.subject.keywordmarket segmentationen
dc.subject.keywordproduct imageen

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