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Kajian Manfaat Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Bagi Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari (Studi Kasus Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Nusa Penida, Bali)

dc.contributor.advisorYulianda, Fredinan
dc.contributor.advisorFahrudin, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorBato, Marjan
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) aims to harmonize the economic needs of the community with the disire to consrve natural resources. Along with its development, Marine Protected Areas has been used for various purposes such as the place of research, environmental protection, preservation of species and genetic diversity, tourism activies, environmental education and protection of natural or cultural elements specific.. Nusa Penida is one of the candidate Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia and have been reserved by regulation of Regent of Klungkung Regency No. 12 of 2010. The status of the areas is a tourist park waters. One of reasons for to conservation reserve in Nusa Penida, becouse Nusa Penida have a specific organism/ endemic who can become an attraction for tourist such as : sunfish, manta rays, turtles and dolphins. This research was conducted in the Distric of Nusa Penida with four (4) location in the village of Nusa Penida such as Toyapakeh Village, Ped Village, Sakti Village and Jungut Batu Village. The four villages was selected becouse its development were directed to areas of tourist activities. The general objective of this study is to assess the benefit of Marine Protected Areas in Nusa Penida for the development of marine ecotourism by reviewing the benefits felt by the community who are in Nusa Penida, local community, government and private who become stakeholders in Marine Protected Areas and maintain the condition of the regions ecology. Results of this study showed that the ecological condition of coral reefs in particular was good category with coral mortality index range 0-0,01 at a depth of three meters and 0 – 0,025 at a depth of ten meters. Level of coral damage in Nusa Penida are very small or in others words there are no fundamental change from a live coral reef become the expanse of dead corals in Nusa Penida. Although the bioecology condition of Nusa Penida are categorized good until very good but not optimal in terms of management. It can be seen from percentage cover of coral communities that occur eac year are still up-down or unstable. Reef fish are found in Nusa Penida ± 576 species, consisting major fish, target fish, and indicators fish. Based on the anaysis of marine ecotourism suitability index, Nusa Penida appropriate for diving activities, snorkeling, and beach recreation. However, tourist visit to Nusa Penida already exceeded the carrying capacity of the area were 183.977 persons/year while the carrying capacity to the region around 177.755 persons/years. Characteristics of tourists visiting in Nusa Penida was very varied. the result showed that most travelers who visit in Nusa Penida was Australia (41,8%), American (10%) and Japan (9%). And the results obtained from 67 respondents, domestic and international tourist each country comes from Indonesia, America, England, Japan, Switszerland, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Netherland, Canada and Colombia. Marine Protected Areas in Nusa Penida had been held fo more than three years. It can be seen from the public revenue after reserved conservation area in Nusa Penida was an increase of approximately 10% - 30%. Not only the local community but also the private sector and government The benefit of being visible to the government that the economic growth rate of Klungkung Regency through increased regional gross domestic product (GDP) of the tourism sector in the amount of 5,67% from the year 2009-2011. For Private sector opening to bussiness opportunies such as increased dive operators, hotels, homestay, villas, bungalows, watersport and resorts are directly benefit for the lokal community work opportunities in the field of tourism.en
dc.titleStudy The Benefit of Marine Protected Areas for Development of Marine Ecotourism (Study Case on Marine Protected Area of Nusa Penida, Bali).en
dc.titleKajian Manfaat Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Bagi Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari (Studi Kasus Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Nusa Penida, Bali)
dc.subject.keywordMarine Ecotourismen
dc.subject.keywordMarine Protected Areasen
dc.subject.keywordNusa Penidaen
dc.subject.keywordand The Benefit of Marine Protected Area.en

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