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dc.contributor.advisorKamal, M Mukhlis
dc.contributor.authorRatnaningsih, Sri
dc.description.abstractGreenback mullet (Chelon suviridis) belong to family of Mugilidae. Greenback mullet have a high economic value in Karangsong water. Information of C. subviridis in this location is limited, whice is necessary to study on reproduction for its management. Through this study, reproduction pattern of C. subviridis in Karangsong water are determined. The study was conducted from December 2012 to May 2013. Total number of fishes that taken during the study was 336 individuals. The results showed that the sex ratio between males and females is 1:2,03 with Chi-square test. Condition factors ranged from 0,6881 to 0,8377 %. Greenback mullet males mature more rapidly that females with mature gonad of 114 mm for male and 102 mm for female. Peak spawning season of C. subviridis in the waters of Karangsong. Greenback mullet is thought to occur in early February. Reproductive potential of C. subviridis is quite large in the amount of 9.691 to 173.335 eggs. Eggs diameter of C. subviridis ranged from 0,18 to 0,75 mm with the mode of spread of two types of spawning peaks with partial (partial spawner).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectChelon subviridisen
dc.titleBiologi Reproduksi ikan belanak Chelon subviridis (Valenciennes 1836) di Perairan Karangsong, Indramayuen

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