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dc.contributor.advisorPujiyati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorPerdana, R. Irfan Istiqom
dc.description.abstractHydroacoustics is a method that can be used to find out the potential demersal fish resources. Backscattering Volume analysis is done to get a prediction on a distribution of demersal fish area waters. This research was conducted in the waters of The Gebe Island of Central Halmahera, North Maluku. Recording of data is done using acoustic devices Biosonic, while data processing done in Echoview 3.0. Gebe Island waters are deep water crossed by Arus Lintas Indonesia (Arlindo) which flows of cross-Indonesia with steep slope. The emergence of small scale demersal fish schooling almost equal along the path of the recording data. Generaly in February small-scale demersal fish schooling found in the morning until the afternoon. However, large scale of demersal fish schooling mostly discovered on waters near Gebe Island's southern coast.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectbackscattering volume (SV).en
dc.subjectdemersal fishen
dc.titleDeteksi Sebaran Ikan Demersal Berdasarkan Analisa Backscattering Volume di Perairan Pulau Gebe, Halmahera Tengahen

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