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dc.contributor.advisorMuninggar, Retno
dc.contributor.advisorSolihin, Iin
dc.contributor.authorLovani, Irrene Vara
dc.description.abstractOne of the prime commodities from Palabuhanratu national fishing port is tuna. Fishermen in Palabuhanratu often use tuna longline as fishing gear to catch tuna. In tuna longline fisheries, the fishermen need a large number of investment and fuel for tuna longliner. During 2007 – 2011 period, fuel price increased in 2008. The rising fuel price has negative effects on daily life. This research has purposes to know the decreasing number of tuna longliners, tuna longlines and the fishermen during 2007 – 2011 and to analyze the performance of tuna longliner by using feasible analysis. All primary data is derived from questionnaire and interview and secondary data is derived from literature study. The result of this research were the number of tuna longline fishermen and tuna longliners which were based on PPN Palabuhanratu decreased by 2,35% and 2,55% per year. But, the number of tuna longlines increased 31,12% per year. Based on feasible analysis of tuna longliner named Samudera Jaya, IRR rate was 20%, Net B/C ratio was 2,47, and the NPV was Rp 486.927.481. It can be showed that tuna longline was still feasible and worth in fisheries business.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttuna longlineen
dc.subjectpalabuhanratu fishing porten
dc.subjectfuel price risingen
dc.titleKeragaan Kapal Tuna Longline Samudera Jaya Sebelum dan Setelah Kenaikan Harga BBM di PPN Palabuhanratuen

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