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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Iskandar
dc.contributor.authorAfifah, Septi Nur
dc.description.abstractThe effectiveness of labor was heavily influenced by development, arrangement, and utilization of labor by the company. The objective of internship to improve the knowledge, skills, experience of student and prepared to confront real job. The additional objective to study the factors that influence the labor productivity of palm oil harvesting. Descriptive and multiple linear regression method were used in data analysis. The multiple linear regression analysis partially showed level on education, the number of dependents and age had no significant effect on labor productivity, while length of work affect significantly. Simultaneous regression testing shows the education level, number of dependents, age and length of work have significant effect to labor productivity on harvesting.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectlength of worken
dc.subjectlabor productivityen
dc.titleFaktor Penentu Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Panen Kelapa Sawit PT Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation, Kalimantan Timuren

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