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dc.contributor.advisorAziz, Sandra Arifin
dc.contributor.authorMunawaroh, Nafi‟atul
dc.description.abstractTorbangun is a nutritious crop that increase breast milk because it contains lactagogen. Most study of torbangun plants focuses on pharmacological characteristics of plant. There is a need for research in cultivation techniques using organic fertilizer and pruning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organic fertilizer and pruning on the growth and leaf production of torbangun plant. This study used randomized block design (RBD) in the first experiment with fertilizer factor and Split plot design in the second experiment with fertilizer and pruning. Both of the experiment used Tukey‟s (Honestly Significant Difference) test. Organic fertilization is divided into 5 levels: without fertilizer, cow manure+rock phosphate, cow manure+rice-hull ash, rock phosphate+rice-hull ash, and cow manure+rock phosphate+rice-hull ash. Pruning is consisted of 2 levels: without pruning and with pruning. The results showed that fertilization using cow manure + rock phosphate + rice-hull ash increased shoot fresh weight of 125.21% compared to without fertilization. Pruning reduced plant biomass and leaf number. Torbangun growth is slow, so harvesting should have been done in a longer interval.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectrice-hull ashen
dc.subjectcow manureen
dc.titlePertumbuhan dan Produksi Daun Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus Spreng.) dengan Pemupukan Organik dan Pemangkasanen

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