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dc.contributor.advisorFahrudin, Achmad
dc.contributor.advisorKurnia, Rahmat
dc.contributor.authorIzati, Nurul
dc.description.abstractPPN (Archipelago Fishery Port) Karangantu is located in Kasemen District, Serang city, Banten Province. One of the fishes landed there is Torpedo Scad. The purpose of this research are to assess the stock of the fish using biologi parameter approach and the uncertainty using Monte Carlo model. Torpedo Scad (Megalaspis cordyla) is a bycatch of the fishing gear dogol. Torpedo Scad that was obtained during the research has distribution of length frequency range from 200 to 355 mm. It’s growth coefficients (K) for female and male is 0.2286 and 0.2896. Based on the relationship of Length and weight, female and male fish are allometric negative. The exploitation rate of Torpedo Scad is 15.92%. Based on the exploitation rate, Torpedo Scad catching is still underfishing, because of Torpedo Scad is bycatchen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectUncertainty Analysisen
dc.titleKajian Stok Dan Ketidakpastian Sumber Daya Ikan Tetengkek (Megalaspis cordyla, Linnaeus 1758) Di PPN Karangantuen

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