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dc.contributor.advisorArifin Aziz, Sandra
dc.contributor.advisorSukma, Dewi
dc.contributor.authorFauziah, Ni'mah
dc.description.abstractCrossing artificial propagation is an attempt to produce a better hibrid, but it often fails because of incompatibity of the parent. This could be minimized by performing characterization to determine the relationship between parental crosses. The purpose of this research was to study the morphological characters of 14 accessions of the Phalaenopsis orchid species i.e, Ph. gigantea A, Ph. bellina, Ph. amabilis ‘Halong’, Ph. violacea, Ph. doritis, Ph. schilleriana, Ph. modesta, Ph. cornu-cervi, Ph. pantherina, Ph. tetraspis, Ph. pulchra, Ph. amabilis ‘Cidaun’, Ph. amabilis ‘Treanggalek’ and Ph. gigantea B. The results showed that each member of each accession in Phalaenopsis species have a very close genetic relationship that is 100%, except Ph. tetraspis 87% relation due to the different tip shape of the leaves, Ph. gigantea A with Ph. bellina (87%), Ph. amabilis with Ph. gigantea B (87%), Ph. violacea with Ph. pulchra (87%) and Ph. amabilis Halong with Ph. pantherina (87% ). Based on the flower classification, Ph. violacea and Ph. modesta (78%) has close genetic relationship. While the classification based on leaf and flower, showed that Ph. violacea and Ph. modesta had close genetic relationship of 70%en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectflower morphologyen
dc.subjectleaf morphologyen
dc.subjectgenetic relationshipen
dc.titleKarakterisasi Morfologi Anggrek Phalaenopsis spp. Spesies Asli Indonesiaen

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