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dc.contributor.advisorHendrakusumaatmaja, Sutara
dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Heti
dc.description.abstractThe agricultural sector is one sector which is still reliable, because it has an important role for the economic development of a nation. Based on the value of 2007-2010 Indonesian horticulture Gross Domestic Product (GDP), vegetables are the second largest contributor to GDP after fruit with average value of Rp 28,885 billion. One type of vegetable that has the greatest growth rate is carrots, with growth rate 5.05%. Carrot production in Indonesia from 2007-2010 tended to increase. Largest carrot production is from Cianjur with the amount of 34 559 tones, equivalent to 30.43% of the total production in West Java and also become the center of production of carrots. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affect the level of production and estimate the production of economic efficiency. The model analysis used in this study was Cobb Douglas function model with Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). Economic efficiency analysis performed using the ratio approach Marginal Product Value (NPM) with Sacrifice Marginal Cost (BKM). The analysis showed that the factors which significantly affect the influence the farm production of intercropping of carrots were seeds, organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer. Results of economic efficiency analysis showed that farming had not reached economic efficiency yet. It was shown from the ratio of the Marginal Product Value (NPM) with sacrifices Marginal Cost (BKM) were not equal with one. Based on the income analysis, intercropping farming of carrots was providing economic benefits for farmers. This was indicated by the value of the cash cost of revenues over one growing season was Rp 10 747 174.00/Ha and revenues over one growing season total cost was Rp 3 592 374.00/Ha.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecteconomic effeciencyen
dc.subjectCobb Douglasen
dc.subjectintercropping of carrotsen
dc.titleAnalisis Efisiensi Ekonomi Usahatani Tumpangsari Wortel di Desa Sukatani, Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjuren

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