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Study of communication network in the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation in dairy farmers’ group (case in Subdistrict of Pamulihan, District of Sumedang)

dc.contributor.advisorMuljono, Pudji
dc.contributor.advisorSugihen, Basita Ginting
dc.contributor.authorAlim, Syahirul
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of dairy farming is to produce a high quality of milk which free from any residue and meet the minimum bacteria standard. One of the efforts to achieve it by doing milking hygiene and sanitation correctly. Dairy farmers need trusted and reliable information about milking hygiene and sanitation to increase the quality of milk. They established a communication network among them to meet their demand of milking hygiene and sanitation information. The research of Communication Network in the Implementation of Milking Hygiene and Sanitation in Dairy Farmers’ Group refered to the convergen communication model which defined communication as process of sharing dan creating information between communicant. The study area of communication network include the individual roles in communication network such as star, bridge, liason, cosmopolite and isolate in their group and communication network variables such as local centrality, global centrality and betweeness. The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe communication network among dairy farmers (2) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics and dairy farming characteristics to the communication network (3) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics and dairy farming characteristics to the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation (4) to analyze the relationship between communication network and the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation. The research was designed as a correlational and descriptive which used dairy farmers as unit of analysis. The research has been carried out from August to November 2012 at Desa Haurngombong and Mekar Bakti, Subway Pamulihan, Sumedang District which determined by purposive. There are 87 dairy farmers taken as sample by using sampling intact system. Data was analyzed by UCINET VI to calculate the communication network variabels index and Rank Spearman Correlation was applied to analyze the relationship among variables. The result of this research showed that : (1) communication network about milking hygiene and sanitation in Harapan Jaya farmer’s group was radial individual network but communication network with the same theme in Mekar Sari farmer’s group was interlocking individual network, (2) there was a significant relationship between farmers’ experience level, group involvement, cooperation involvement, cosmopolitant and dairy ownership to the local and global centrality, (3) There was also a significant correlation between cosmopolitant and dairy ownership with the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation (4) there was a significant relationship between local centrality, global centrality and the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation.en
dc.subjectcommunication networken
dc.subjectdairy farmersen
dc.subjectimplementation of milking hygiene and sanitationen
dc.titleStudi jaringan komunikasi dalam penerapan higien dan sanitasi pemerahan pada kelompok peternak sapi perah (kasus di Kecamatan Pamulihan Kabupaten Sumedang)en
dc.titleStudy of communication network in the implementation of milking hygiene and sanitation in dairy farmers’ group (case in Subdistrict of Pamulihan, District of Sumedang)

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