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dc.contributor.advisorSyaukat, Yusman
dc.contributor.authorAziz, Abdul
dc.description.abstractMangosteen is a tropical fruit with high economic value. Its high potencial for trading require a good and efficient marketing. Bogor is placed in the second of the biggest mangosteen centers of West Java after Tasikmalaya. It has high potency in mangosteen production, especially in Karacak village, sub district of Leuwiliang. The weak of farmers' bargaining position made the selling price in farmer level become low. Unfair margin and share distribution made the bargaining position of the farmer became worsen. The high selling price both in the domestic and overseas supposed to increase the farmers profits, however the major benefit only gained by marketing institutions. Based on the research, the marketing of mangosteen in Karacak Village was inefficient.The market structure was formed into the structure that leads to imperfectly competitive markets. There were five marketing forms of mangosteen in Karacak village. Market conduct was shown by selling and purchasing practice with the deal between actors of marketing system, price formation from bargaining that tend to set into higher level by the marketing institutions. Based on the analysis of marketing margins, the farmer's share, and the ratio of benefits and costs shown that an efficient marketing mangosteen for export purposes can use the third marketing channels while domestic marketing can use the fifth channel.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPuposive Samplingen
dc.subjectSnowball Samplingen
dc.subjectTrade systemen
dc.titleAnalisis Efisiesi Tataniaga Komoditas Manggis: Studi Kasus Di Desa Kacarak, Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Bogoren

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