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dc.contributor.advisorBintang, Maria
dc.contributor.advisorSunaryanto, Rofiq
dc.contributor.authorKaswati, Nofa Mardia Ningsih
dc.description.abstractEndophyte fungal is a fungi that grows in the plant tissue which capable of producing antibiotics compounds. Intended use of these fungi to produce antifungal compounds that can inhibit the growth of fitopatogen cocoa plants Phellinus lamaoensis. The methods used in this study, among others, active screening isolates with testing activities, using the analytical KLT, analytical HPLC purification , and identification of active compounds using LC-MS. Endophytic fungi isolates used in this study comes from the leaf tissue, flowers and medicinal plants stems from Cirebon. On the leaves of plants bandotan ( ageratum conyzoides l. ) found activity endophyte fungal against pathogenic Phellinus lamaoensis in diameter clear zone with three times reprocability, successive 10.52 mm ,10.37 mm, and 9.8 mm. Fungus that has the activity called Penicillium Lagena. The presence of a compound capable of inhibiting the growth of Phellinus lamaoensis characterized by the presence of two peaks on the results of the analysis of HPLC. The first peaks had a retention time at 10.34 min on 231.8-553.2 nm as the optimal wavelength and the second peaks had a retention time of 12.152 min on 229.5-542 nm. The molecular weight of the first compound was estimated to be 206.0547 gram/mol on Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. These compound was predicted as scoparone, citropten, 4-acetoxycinnamic acid.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPhellinus lamaoensisen
dc.subjectfungal endophyteen
dc.subjectbandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.)en
dc.titlePenapisan dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antijamur Patogen Phellinus lamaoensis dari Jamur Endofit pada Tanaman Obat Asal Cirebonen

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