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dc.contributor.advisorSapei, Asep
dc.contributor.advisorFauzan, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Septiana
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is a very vulnerable country against earthquakes because of it is located between three active earth slabs like Pacific, Indo-Australian, and Eurasia. The number of volcanoes also make Indonesia become vulnerable too. The occurrence of strong earthquakes produce an energy that can shake everything on the Earth's surface, include tower building. The purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate the resistance of Tower C Grand Center Point Apartment structure against earthquake load based on Indonesian Earthquake Hazard Map 2010 using static equivalent, respon spectrum and time history method. This research was done in March-June 2013 used secondary data like Shop drawing of Grand Center Point Apartment, then analyzed by ETABS 9.7.2, and Microsoft Excell. Steps in doing this research is collecting data, modeling, structure loading, structure analysis, and structure evaluation. The result of the analysis: the number of the structure reinforcement without earthquake load is larger than the number of the analyze reinforcement, so in this situation the structure is safe. On static earthquake condition with static equivalent analysis, some component still have so many unsafe structure because the existing reinforcement is smaller than the analyze reinforcement. On the dynamic condition, especially with respon spectrum analysis, the structure more weak to against earthquake load rather than on the static condition. This is caused by the structure component with its existing reinforcement which smaller than the analyze reinforcement is increaseen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttime historyen
dc.subjectstatic ekuivalenen
dc.subjectspectrum responen
dc.titleAnalisis dan Evaluasi Struktur Atas Tower C Grand Center Point Apartement Terhadap Beban Gempa Berdasarkan Peta Gempa Indonesia 2010en

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