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dc.contributor.advisorSapei, Asep
dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Sri Surya
dc.description.abstractNow in the rainy season, flood become a regular event in several cities in Indonesia, especially for residential areas. The cases also happened in Cinta Kasih residence which located at Jl. Kamal Raya Outer Ring Road East Cengkareng, West Jakarta. When the rain occur with high intensity, the flood will have seen on some side of street. This study aimed to evaluate the drainage system on the residence using modeling SWMM 5.0 where the drainage system entered into the network model consisting of a subcatchment, junction nodes, conduit, and outfall nodes. The results of analysis showed that running simulation SWMM 5.0 is good, where continuity error for surface runoff -0.39 % and flow rate 0.00%. From rainfall design is 171 mm/day with effective time 3 hours, responce of subcatchment showed 2 – 4 mm for infiltration and the residue became a runoff. The result of node flooding showed there was a flood at node J11, J18, J26, J30, J34, and J51. While for conduit occur an overflow at C14, C18, C20, C24, C27, C30 , and C53.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectRainfall designen
dc.subjectSWMM 5.0en
dc.titleEvaluasi Saluran Drainase di Perumahan Cinta Kasih Cengkareng dengan Menggunakan Model EPA SWMM 5.0en

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