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dc.contributor.advisorKurnia, Rahmat
dc.contributor.advisorErnawati, Yunizar
dc.contributor.authorSari, Alin Puspa
dc.description.abstractFringescale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata) has an important economic value and high levels of utilization. Indicated the availability of S. fimbriata decline in reproduction studies Karangantu so necessary for further management. The research was conducted in May-August 2012. Based on this research, it is known reproductive pattern S. fimbriata from Banten Bay. Total number of fish taken during the study were 765 individuals. Results showed that the sex ratio of male and female Fringescale sardinella unbalanced (0,7:1) with Chi-square test. Condition factor S. fimbriata ranged from 0,9248 to 5,8707. Fringescale sardinella female mature more rapidly than male fish gonads with mature gonads were first size of 179,4 mm (female) and 192,4 mm (male). Peak spawning season of Fringescale sardinella in Banten Bay waters allegedly occurred in May and late August. Reproductive potential of S. fimbriata high at 9 691-173 335 eggs. Egg diameter of S. fimbriata ranged from 0,0250 to 0,6250 mm with the spread mode from two types of spawning peaks with partial (partial spawner).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectBanten Bayen
dc.subjectSardinella fimbriataen
dc.titleAspek Reproduksi Ikan Tembang (Sardinella fimbriata Cuvier dan Valenciennes 1847) di Perairan Teluk Banten.en

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