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articipatory Communication In Empowerment Program of Women Headed Household (A Case Study of Desa Dayah Tanoh, Kecamatan Mutiara Timur, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh Province)

dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Djuara P
dc.contributor.advisorSumarti, Titik
dc.contributor.authorSusanti, Elly
dc.description.abstractThe emerging paradigm of participatory development communication emphasizes participation and involvement from planning to decision-making process. PEKKA promotes the concept trough bottom-up initiative including planning, implementation and project evaluation. This study aims to investigate process of participatory development communication by PEKKA and economic empowerment of women household. This thesis investigates the participatory communication process in terms of communication patterns of women headed households, determinant factors, including observing the program achievement from empowerment point of view through the development communication perspective. The study employs constructivist paradigm in the analysis. The major finding of the study is the different communication pattern of women headed household in different stage of program activities. At the initial stage, the socialization was dominantly monologue, thus only well-educated participants whoconfident and had ability to response andexpress theirs commentsduring the meeting while others almost silence. In the other stages, meanwhile, the pattern gradually changed to monologue-dialogue and dialogic through interpersonal approach done by the field assistant, and participating the trainings especially self-development training done by PEKKA Center. However, the change was not arise to the aged women headed household because low motivation to the program. The study also finds that personal characteristics of members, role of field assistant, and socio cultural factors determine the efficacy of participatory communication of women headed households. The aged member seldom and almost never delivered voice, expressed opinion, and asked questions during the meeting. Though they attended the meeting, they tended to quiet and listen to the other comments. The younger women headed household was more active and be trusted as group administrators and leader by the members. Low educated women headed households were less ability to show their voice and express their opinions at the initial stage of the program because they impressed themselvesless confident and ability to speak out in front of other. The women headed household with many dependents stressed that the difficulty to time management between working, caring family, and attending the group meetings. Furthermore, the reason to be women headed household, occupation, and self-motivation also determine participatory communication. The women with sickly husband said that difficult to attend the meeting because not allowed by husband. Working as cookies seller that located relatively far from home at kecamatan market stated that often late to come to the meetings. The motif of the aged women headed household to join the program was to spare time, to gather with other women, and to obtain information and knowledge while other women said to improve welfare, to gain information and knowledge to change their socio economic condition. The role of field assistant as facilitator and educator significantly contribute to effectiveness of participatory communication to women headed household. At the beginning of the programthe assistant was a man, however, that was not a barrier for him to build effective communication with the women headed household. He is a native coming from that village, and experiencing and having well knowledge on local socio cultural. After the field assistant changed, coming from outsider but a woman, the members said they are more freely and confidently communicate with the assistant. She was and still facilitates the member in the group meetings and trainings. The local norms and language also contribute to effective participatory communication of women headed household. The study finds that majority of women who participated at the initial activity said not able and confident to speak during the meeting because there were men and impressed unsuitable for them to speak in front of public/men (patriarchy). After participating the program, the awareness and knowledge of women headed household progressively changed and a patriarchy norm gradually obscured. The language used by field assistant significantly contributes to effective communication because many of women headed household not able to speak bahasa Indonesia. By using local (basa Aceh), the women said more freely to speak and give impression and feedback. Level of empowerment of women headed household varies. The type of monologue women headed household has less critical awareness and control. The monologue-dialogue women headed household has gradually achieved well-being, increased access to resources, participation, and critical awareness under facilitated by field assistant not self-initiative, and has increased control at the household and group only. The high level of empowerment has achieved by women headed household with dialogic type.en
dc.subjectparticipatory communicationen
dc.subjectwomen headed householden
dc.titleKomunikasi Partisipatif dalam Program Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (Kasus di Desa Dayah Tanoh Kecamatan Mutiara Timur Kabupaten Pidie Provinsi Aceh)Pid
dc.titlearticipatory Communication In Empowerment Program of Women Headed Household (A Case Study of Desa Dayah Tanoh, Kecamatan Mutiara Timur, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh Province)en

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