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dc.contributor.advisorEdy Djauhari PK
dc.contributor.advisorNurcholis, Waras
dc.contributor.authorMubin, Yunan Nursyahbani
dc.description.abstractGinger, meniran, temu ireng and sambiloto are plants which is used as feed formulation anti-avian influenza. Using that plants worry will change broiler physical properties and proximate. Design experiment is randomized block design with five treatments. Threre are control, crude dose 1, crude dose 0.5, extract dose 1 and extract dose 0.5. The parameters are the texture, color and proximate of broiler. There is no effect of treatment on the texture of the meat. The color of all treatments is red. Water and fat content of crude dose 1 is the lowest among other treatments. Crude dose 1 and dose 0.5 have the highest protein than the others. All treatment had profiles as fit as the profile of chicken meat should be.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleProfil Biokimia Daging Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Pakan Plus FFormula Herbalen

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