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dc.contributor.advisorFauzan, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorRomdhon, Qori Muhammad
dc.description.abstractThe bridge is building a unctioning passing traffic on the two ends of the broken because of the barriers in the river, channel, canals, a strait, the valley, road and rail road. The purpose of this study, the first is to conduct an analysis of the structure of project “On/Off Ramp Barat Jalan Layang Non Tol Kampung Melayu – Tanah Abang” to earthquake by knowing the value of the maximum forces on the maximum load combination. Standard load ultimit used based on RSNI and RSNI T02-2005 03-1726-2010, and Indonesia Earthquake Zonation Map 2010. The second compares the value in the maximum forces in combination with the nominal styles, particularly earthquake load. The secondary Data were analyzed using the software structure of CSI Bridge 15 based on the dimensions of the structure, the quality of the concrete, and the quality of steel mounted in the field. The quality of the concrete used for the pier is K-350, to use concrete quality pierhead K-450, while PCU girder using concrete quality K-600. Analysis of Bridge 15 CSI generate value for pierhead P80 ultimit moment of 86218.354 kNm, and for P79 is 87527.531 kNm. Ultimit moments are used to calculate the amount of reinforcement bending. Reinforcement bending on the pierhead P80 is 88D32 and 88D32 for P79. This value does match the existing reinforcement. Keywords: bridge, earthquake, pier, concrete quality, CSI Bridge 15, reinforceen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectCSI Bridge 15en
dc.subjectconcrete qualityen
dc.titleAnalisis ketahanan struktur pier dan pier head P80 dan P79 terhadap gempa pada pembangunan on/off ramp barat JLNT Kampung Melayu-Tanah Abangid

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