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dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.advisorTaurusman, Am Azbas
dc.contributor.authorMeina, Rheka Endalia
dc.description.abstractIn order to improve the fish stock, rehabilitation of fish habitat and creating an alternative income for local fishermen in Seribu Island, an integrated program of sea farming has been developing by the local government and supported by Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS/PKSPL) IPB. Brown-marbled grouper and humpback grouperhas been selected as the main farming species for this program. The development of grouper aquaculture activites in sea farming needs trash fish as main feed which is derived from fish by sea farming fisherman group and by bought from the others fishermen. The main fishing gears used by the sea farming fisherman’s group in Seribu Islands were fish hook, nylon hook, trap and gill net. This study was conducted in order to investigate the caracteristics of trash fish as a main feed for the sea farming program; to estimate the avaibility and needs of the trash fish for the sea farming program; to evaluate the feasibility of the integrated sea farming business of the trash fish basis in the study area. The result showed that there were 19 species of trash fish has been identified in the study area. The diversity of trash fish which caught by sea farming fisherman’s groups was less than those on another fishermen group. The avability of the trash fish in Seribu Island that caught by sea farming fishermen’s group can fulfill the cultivation needs. Sea farming fishermean group was profitable due to the high value of revenue cost ratio (R/C > 1). The financial analysis indicated that the sea farming fishermen’s group who only bought the trash fish was more profit than the group who caught the trash fish by them self.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttrash fishen
dc.subjectSeribu Islanden
dc.subjectsea farmingen
dc.titleKeberlanjutan Program Sea Farming di Perairan Kepulauan Seribu, Propinsi DKI Jakarta: Analisis Penangkapan Ikan Rucah sebagai Pakan Utamaen

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