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dc.contributor.advisorBatu, Djamar T.F. Lumban
dc.contributor.advisorSamosir, Agustinus M.
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, Nur Mar Atushsholihah
dc.description.abstractSaguling reservoir is one of reservoirs that received input water from the Citarum river, where there are so many industries events that throw the discharge. The waste containing heavy metals Pb and Cd which contaminated water, sediment and biota in the reservoir. The observation of tutut snails (Bellamya javanica v.d Bush 1844) is expected provide an information on levels of heavy metal pollution in that reservoir. The results of this research showed the content of heavy metal Pb and Cd was 14.6554 mg/kg and 1.1086 mg/kg respectively. The content of heavy metals was overed than BSN-SNI 7387:2009’s content. The Bioconcentration Factors (BCF) showed that tutut snail in reservoirs Saguling has a moderately accumulated. ANOVA test results also showed there are an accumulated level from metals and biological effect increase from inlet to outlet of that reservoir.en
dc.description.abstractWaduk Saguling merupakan salah satu waduk yang menerima masukan air dari sungai Citarum, dimana terdapat banyak industri yang membuang limbah. Limbah tersebut diantaranya mengandung logam berat Pb dan Cd yang mencemari air, sedimen maupun biota yang terdapat di dalam waduk. Pengamatan pada keong tutut (Bellamya javanica v.d Bush 1844) diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai tingkat pencemaran logam berat di waduk tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kandungan logam Pb dan Cd pada keong tutut masing- masing sebesar 14.6554 mg/kg dan 1.1086 mg/kg. Kandungan logam tersebut telah melebihi baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh BSN-SNI 7387:2009. Indeks Faktor Konsentrasi (IFK) menunjukkan bahwa keong tutut di waduk Saguling memiliki daya akumu lasi sedang. Hasil uji ANOVA juga menunjukkan adanya tingkat akumulasi logam dan efek biologis meningkat dari daerah inlet ke daerah outlet.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSaguling reservoirsen
dc.subjectHeavy metals Pb and Cden
dc.subjectTutut snailen
dc.titleAnalisis Kandungan Logam Berat Pb dan Cd pada Keong Tutut (Bellamya javanica v.d Bush 1844) di Waduk Saguling, Jawa Baraten

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