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Analisis Molekuler dan Evaluasi Umur Berbunga Tanaman Padi Putatif Transgenik AtCO

dc.contributor.advisorKustaman, Eman
dc.contributor.advisorSisharmini, Atmitri
dc.contributor.authorTryani, Fina Fifin
dc.description.abstractThe timing of flowering is an important character which impact yield and quality in crop plant. The flowering time control is best understood in the model Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Recent result from rice plant research to be related with Arabidopsis thaliana reported that flowering control is manage with fotoperiodism. Insertion of flowering gene control was done on Nipponbare rice plant to hasten of flowering time with transfer CONSTANS gene. The aim of research are evaluation and analys response transgenic rice plant putative AtCO for flowering time, and testing genes existence transcriptional factor which is responsible on flowering time use PCR method. PCR analysis use spesific primer and DNA genom as template, meanwhile for expression analysis of AtCO gene on transcriptional level done by isolation total RNA. cDNA sintesis doing by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) and amplification AtCO gene product with cDNA as a template. Result of this research showed that out of 80 transgenic plants putative AtCO there are 35 positive plants containing AtCO gene. Flowering time evaluation for 35 rice plants positive AtCO showed earlier flowering time are during 63 until 67 days than their wildtype plant are 68 days. Expression analysis of AtCO gene on 5 plants showed that only one plant expressed AtCO gene that indicated by PCR product from cDNA template.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleMolecular Analysis and flowering time evaluation of Rice Plant Putative AtCOen
dc.titleAnalisis Molekuler dan Evaluasi Umur Berbunga Tanaman Padi Putatif Transgenik AtCO

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