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Sintesis Nanokomposit Alofan/TiO2 dan Uji Fotodegradasi pada Zat Pewarna Biru Metilena

dc.contributor.advisorSugiarti, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorAbidin, Zaenal
dc.contributor.authorWidiyanti, Evi
dc.description.abstractIndustrial development has positive and negative impacts on the environment. The negative impact is environmental pollution by waste water containing dyes. Handling of this type of waste currently uses adsorption methods that give new problems, such as accumulation of environmentally hazardous adsorbents. This study applied a new concept of adsorption-photodegradation. This method was carried out by combining two materials into a nanocomposite, i.e. allophane and TiO2. Allophane is able to adsorb organic compounds, while TiO2 with ultraviolet light (UV), can degrade organic compounds. Allophane/TiO2 nanocomposite was prepared by mixing the constituents in its colloidal forms. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of the nanocomposite was greater than the capacity of allophane and TiO2 alone. The nanocomposite and allophane adsorption followed the Langmuir pattern. Photodegradation test on the nanocomposite irradiated with UV showed a new methylene blue wavelength on 573 nm, while controls that was carried out in dark room showed no shift in wavelength. Characterization using fourier transform infrared spectrometer showed a spectrum indicating the presence of allophane.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleSynthesis of Allophane/TiO2 Nanocomposite and Photodegradation Test on Methylene Blue Dyeen
dc.titleSintesis Nanokomposit Alofan/TiO2 dan Uji Fotodegradasi pada Zat Pewarna Biru Metilena

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