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Isolasi Akalifin dari Daun Anting-anting (Acalypha indica) Daerah Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorAchmadi, Suminar Setiati
dc.contributor.authorHamdika, Dinda Al
dc.description.abstractAcalypha indica is wild plant which is traditionally used in folk medicine. The plant contains cyanogenic glucoside compound, so called acalyphin. Fresh leaves collected from Bogor area were extracted with methanol by maseration method and further partitioned with dichloromethane to remove chlorophyl. Yield of the chlorophyl-free extract was 4.02%. Acalyphin was isolated by preparative thin layer chromatography (TLC) with ethylacetate-diethyl ether-dichloromethanemethanol- water (20:15:6:5:4 v/v) as a solvent system. The purity of the isolated product was checked by two-dimension TLC with two mobile phases. The acalyphin was characterized using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer, infrared spectrophotometer, and UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The acalyphin was detected at Rf 0.39 in the first fraction. Yield of the acalyphin rich fraction was 1.77%. The product was not pure and need more separation on preparative TLC using more polar solvent system.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleIsolation of Acalyphin from Leaves of Anting-anting (Acalypha indica) Bogoren
dc.titleIsolasi Akalifin dari Daun Anting-anting (Acalypha indica) Daerah Bogor

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