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dc.contributor.advisorAlamudi, Aam
dc.contributor.authorAl Farisi, Salman
dc.description.abstractUmmul Quro Al Islami (UQI) pesantren is an educational institution that emphasises religious education. This Pesantren has adopted the national curriculum of junior and senior secondary school. However, in fact many students who have completed in Tsanawiyah level, do not continue to Aliyah level at tihs Pesantren. The objective of this study is to identify factors wich affects the students intent to continue their studies in Aliyah level at UQI pesantren. Based on logistic regression model, the factors affects the students’ intents in continuing studies to Aliyah level in UQI Pesantren are their own ideal (1=Religious, 0=Non-religious), duration of secular subjects (1=Adequate, 0 = Not adequate) , students’ motivations in entering the pesantren (1=Students themselves, 0=Other selves) and the comfort of students’ live in pesantren (1=Comfortable, 0=Not comfortable). The value of overall CCR obtained is 78.8 % and area under ROC curve is 0.849 in cut point 0.50.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectthe accuracy of the modelen
dc.subjectlogistic regressionen
dc.titleRegresi Logistik untuk Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor Minat Melanjutkan Studi ke Tingkat Aliyah di Pesantren Ummul Quro Al Islamien

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