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dc.contributor.advisorSadik, Kusman
dc.contributor.advisorRahman, La Ode Abdul
dc.contributor.authorDwiyanto, Agung Darmawan
dc.description.abstractMany research had been developed to study the spatial distribution pattern. Spatial distribution pattern was divided into three types, which were clustered, dispersed, and random. Spatial distribution pattern could detected with testing the randomness from the data grouping. Two common methods used to detect the spatial distribution method were Ordinary Runs (OR) and Doublet Test (DT). This research objective were to compare the method between Ordinary Runs dan Doublet Test on the simulation data, to study and also to analyze the spatial distribution pattern on the disease case of Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration (CVPD) for the orange in Balitjestro, Batu. Based on the simulation result, on the random data of DT had the higher accuracy than OR. On the nonrandom data of OR had the higher accuracy than DT. On the real data analysis OR, DT, and Run Test random conclude on the data of CVPD disease attack on the West-East direction. Based on those results, the disease distribution pattern of CVPD was not effected by the wind directionen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectthe spatial distribution patternen
dc.subjectRun Testen
dc.subjectOrdinary Runsen
dc.subjectDoublet Testen
dc.subjectCVPD diseaseen
dc.titlePerbandingan Metode Ordinary Runs dengan Doublet Test untuk Uji Keacakan pada Data Spasialen

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