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dc.contributor.advisorRohaeti, Eti
dc.contributor.advisorBatubara, Irmanida
dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Irma Indriani
dc.description.abstractGinger is an Indonesian aromatic plant containing essential oil. The objectives of this research were to separate constituents of ginger essential oil and to evaluate the active components as aromatherapy for obesity using in vivo analysis. The essential oil was collected by steam distillation method as much as 1.57% (w/v) from ginger rhizomes. Fractionation of the essential oil was performed by silica gel column chromatography (gradient elution) resulting 11 fractions. Fraction 2, fraction 4, and ginger essential oil were analyzed for their activities as aromatherapy for antiobesity in vivo by using male Sprague-Dawley rats. Inhalation of fraction 2, fraction 4, and ginger essential oil showed lower response of rats body weight compared with the positive control (high cholesterol feed). From the three groups of rats, the essential oil inhalation group gave the lowest response for body weight increment, that is 6.17% (w/w). Based on gas chromatograpy-mass spectrometry analysis, the main component in ginger essential oil which affected the body weight of rats was campheneen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleFraksionasi senyawa aktif minyak atsiri jahe sebagai pelangsing aromaterapi secara in vivoen

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