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dc.contributor.advisorSjahriza, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorSugiarti, Sri
dc.contributor.authorJayanti, Retno Dwi
dc.description.abstractBiofilm is a film made of biopolymer materials, such as polysaccharide, protein, and fat so it can be more biodegradable. The aim of this research was to produce a film from carrageenan and mungbean flour and assess the film permeability properties to water vapor. The film was made of seaweed extract, called carrageenan, mungbean flour, and glycerol addition. The composition of flour was based on percent of w/v, i.e. 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10%. The presence of carrageenan in this film was showed by fourier transform infra-red in wave number 1230.58 cm-1 which is the characteristic of functional group in carrageenan, namely sulfate esters. The film with flour composition 2.5% had the highest tensile strength value as compared to other films, that is 531.19 MPa. The best water vapor permeability property to film was in film with flour concentration of 2.5% was 13.01 ngm/m2sPa. However, based on the thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis curve, the films were less homogeneous.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwater vapor permeabilityen
dc.subjectmungbean flouren
dc.titleBiofilm Berbahan Dasar Polisakarida dari Karaginan dan Tepung Kacang Hijauen

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