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dc.contributor.advisorRoswiem, Anna P
dc.contributor.advisorNurcholis, Waras
dc.description.abstractGout is a disorder in which sodium urate crystals are deposited in and aroud joints. Anting-anting is an original plant of Indonesia that often used in gout therapy The aim of this research for identify phytochemical contents, testing cytotoxic activity and xanthine oxidase inhibition test by water and ethanol extract of anting-anting. In this research, it committed phytochemical test by Harborne Method, cytotoxic test by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT), and inhibition test of xanthine oxidase activity by spectrofotometry method. The phytochemical assay result of water and ethanol extract of anting-anting, each of them showed us an existing flavonoid, tannin, saponin, alkaloid and steroid compound. The result of probit analysis of the water and ethanol extract of anting-anting indicated the lethal concentration value 50 (LC50) respectively 446.629 and 156.629 ppm. Highest inhibition by water extract 450 ppm as 66.78%, ethanol extract 150 ppm as 65.84%, and allopurinol 150 ppm as 74.09%. Ethanol extracts of anting-anting still can said to be potential as inhibitor of xantin oksidase and can be use as anti uric acid herben
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectxanthine oxidaseen
dc.titleAktivitas Inhibisi Xantin Oksidase oleh Ekstrak Air dan Etanol Anting-anting (Acalypha indica L.)en

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