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dc.contributor.advisorMubarik, Nisa Rachmania
dc.contributor.advisorListiyowati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNovitasari, Prima
dc.description.abstractGold Silkworm’s cocoon is a coat of Cricula trifenestrata’s pupa that include part of life cycle. The fiber which is resulted from processing cocoon has high economic value because the specific of gold colour that doesn’t have any else cocoon. However, on the process often occurred many problems that could decrease quantity and quality of cocoon, such as attack from pathogenic fungi. For controlling of the pathogenic fungi has been used chemical agent, but using regularly caused some negative effects. As alternative using chitinolytic bacteria as biocontrol, because of chitin is the highest component of the fungi cell wall. Therefore the objectives of this research were to isolate and identify of chitinolytic bacteria that inhibited fungi pathogen which isolated from cocoon of C. trifenestrata. 17 strains chitinolytic bacteria were isolated from two samples cocoon of health pupa and sick pupa. There were four isolates CH2, CH10, CS1, and CS4 had highest value of chitinolytic index. CH10 and CS1 strains showed highest chitinase activity, both isolates were identified using MicrogenTM GenA+B ID System and categorized as Shewanella putrefaciens. Scopulariopsis sp. and FC (unidentified) were isolated from cocoon of sick pupa. Strain CH10 inhibited FC on culture bacteria test but not from its in chitinase. Scopulariosis sp. had been inhibited by culture and its chitinase.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectpathogenic fungi.en
dc.subjectchitinolytic indexen
dc.subjectcocoon of C. trifenestrataen
dc.titleIsolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Kitinolitik Penghambat Pertumbuhan Cendawan Patogen Asal Kokon Cricula trifenestrataen

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