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dc.contributor.advisorSuparto, Irma Herawati
dc.contributor.advisorSaputra, Agus
dc.description.abstractZno crystal is the main preference material in various applications recently, such as in semiconductors, ultraviolet lasers, and catalysts. This study aims to synthesize ZnO with addition of surfactant. ZnO crystals were synthesized by reacting ZnSO4, KOH, and surfactants using hydrothermal method. The first step was to determine the best ratio of ZnSO4: KOH (1:2; 1:3; 1:4, and 1:5) based on X-ray diffraction. The second step was to evaluate the role of surfactan cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on the synthesis of ZnO crystals. The result of this study showed the best ratio of ZnSO4:KOH was 1:3, based on the least of impurities and the highest degree of crystallinity (85.64%). The addition of surfactant CTAB and SDS in the synthesis of ZnO increased the degree of crystallinity, which were 98.28% and 92.17%, respectively. Based on mathematical calculation using Scherrer equation, the crystal size without surfactant was 32 nm, whereas with CTAB and SDS the crystallited size were 28 nm and 29 nm, respectively. The degree of crystallinity and crystal size indicated that CTAB surfactant produce ZnO crystals with the best characteristics as compared to SDS surfactant or without surfactant.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectZnO synthesisen
dc.subjecthydrothermal method ,en
dc.titlePeran Surfaktan Setiltrimetilamonium Bromida dan Natrium Dodesil Sulfat pada Sintesis ZnO dengan Metode Hidrotermalen

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