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dc.contributor.advisorAriyanti, Nunik Sri
dc.contributor.authorNadirman, Iqdam
dc.description.abstractThe eruption of Merapi Volcano in 2010 caused a great damage to the surrounding ecosystem. The recovery of surrounding ecosystem was done through succesional process. Organisms occur during early succesional stage are understory plants, thus they could be used as indicator of early stage succesion of damaged vegetation in Mount Merapi. The objective of this research was to describe and compare the diversity of understory plants after the eruption of Merapi Volcano in 2010 in Mount Merapi National Park, Sleman Region, Yogyakarta in two locations namely Gandok and Kaliurang Recreational Park. Gandok was categorized as high damaged location, while Kaliurang Recreational Park represented low damaged location. Vegetation was analyzed using quadratic method. Plants sample was identified in laboratory. Vegetation analysis generated the value of Significant Value Index (SVI), Diversity Index (H’), and Similarity Index (IS). Results showed that understory plant diversity of Gandok consist of 74 species and 63 genera, while Kaliurang Recreational Park consist of 49 species and 44 genera. The highest SVI was obtained by Digitaria nuda in Gandok and Brachiaria reptans in Kaliurang Recrational Park. Gandok and Kaliurang Recreational Park have a low similarity of understory community. Both location were categorized in medium diversity level.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectMerapi Volcanoen
dc.subjectunderstory plantsen
dc.titleKeanekaragaman Tumbuhan Bawah Pasca Erupsi Merapi di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi, Yogyakartaen

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