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Senyawa Golongan Alkaloid Ekstrak Buah Mahkota Dewa sebagai Inhibitor α-Glukosidase

dc.contributor.advisorSuparto, Irma Herawati
dc.contributor.advisorWahyuni, Wulan Tri
dc.contributor.authorSamson, Zulfa Mahyaristi
dc.description.abstractThe crown of God Fruit is believed to cure diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study is to investigate the highest inhibitory activity of α-glucosidase from alkaloid extract of the fruit by in vitro method. Three levels of ripeness used in this study i.e. dark red, red-greenish, and green-reddish. The result showed that alkaloid from red-greenish crown of god fruit extract had the highest inhibition activity of 36.80%, but was lower than acarbose which has 97.73%. Fractionation of alkaloid extract obtained 5 fractions from red-greenish crown of god fruit was done by column cromatography with the eluent of chloroform:ethanol (17:3). Inhibiton activity of each fractions to α-glucosidase was examined and it was obtained that the most active fraction was fraction 5 with inhibition activity value of 87.29%. Further identification of fraction 5 with infrared spectrophotometrer showed the presence of possible functional groups; there were –OH stretching at 3408.87 cm-1 of wave-number, C=C aromatic stretching at 1616.91 cm-1 and C-N amine aromatic stetching at 1279.88 cm-1, which was strengthened by overtone band at 617.21 cm-1. Based on those result, it could be predicted that the alkaloid compound was alkaloid with nitrogen atom in the aromatic ring.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAlkaloid Extract from Crown of God Fruit as α-Glucosidase Inhibitoren
dc.titleSenyawa Golongan Alkaloid Ekstrak Buah Mahkota Dewa sebagai Inhibitor α-Glukosidase

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