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Membran Komposit Selulosa Asetat-Polistirena Akibat Pengaruh SDS Dan Suhu

dc.contributor.advisorMulijani, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorWulanawati, Armi
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Ivan Ramdhani
dc.description.abstractNanopore membrane cellulose acetate-polystyrene with SDS as porogen, can be utilized as a filter in seawater desalination process. Nanopore membrane CA-PS was prepared under reverse phase method. The process was started with making polymeric mixed solution of cellulose acetate, polystyrene, and SDS in dichloromethane-acetone mixture (1:1), with composition of CA:PS:SDS were 9:1:0,5; 9:1:1; 9:1:1,5; 9:1:2; and 9:1: 2,5. The solution was stirred for ±16 hours and casted on the glass plate surface, and then submerged it into water of 40 oC and 60 oC. The average water flux in 40 oC temperature was 45,74−280,21 L/hour.m2 and in 60 oC temperature was 73,20−370,30 L/hour.m2. The average rejection index point membrane in 40 oC temperature was 23,41−37,39% and in 60 oC temperature was 30,77−37,93%. It showed that the membranes soaked in a warm water increased water flux and rejection index.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleComposite Membrane of Cellulose Acetate- Polystyrene Affected by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) and Temperatureen
dc.titleMembran Komposit Selulosa Asetat-Polistirena Akibat Pengaruh SDS Dan Suhu

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