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Pembuatan dan Pencirian Solvent Impregnated ResinMengandung Ditizon Terimpregnasi pada Amberlite XAD-16

dc.contributor.advisorSaprudin, Deden
dc.contributor.advisorRohaeti, Eti
dc.contributor.authorPutra, Budi Riza
dc.description.abstractSolvent Impregnated Resin (SIR) has been formed by impregnating Amberlite XAD-16 with dithizone as the extractant and chloroform as the solvent by a wet impregnation technique. SIR has been prepared in three different concentrations, 0,1250; 0,2500; 0,5000 g dithizone/g Amberlite XAD-16. SIR characterization included weight determination of impregnated dithizone in SIR with gravimetric method, determination of total nitrogen by Kjeldahl method, functional group analysis with Fourier Transform Infra Red, and Thermogravimetric Analysis. SIRs were evaluated by pH influence on Pb2+ extraction and Pb2+ extraction with different SIR concentrations. Result from dithizone content determination by gravimetric method showed 3,52, 6,88, and 12,11%, respectively while by Kjeldahl method showed 2,64, 2,74, and 4,84%, respectively. Functional group analysis showed that dithizone was adhered in SIR indicated by C=S vibration at 1213,60 cm-1, 1171,94 cm-1, and 1143,33 cm-1. SIR which had best stability thermal was SIR 0,5000 g/2,5 g Amberlite XAD-16 compared with SIR 0,1250 and 0,2500 g/2,5 g Amberlite XAD-16. SIR 0,5000 g/2,5 g Amberlite XAD-16 showed better Pb2+ extraction performance than SIR 0,1250 and 0,2500 g/2,5 g Amberlite XAD-16. Extraction capacity of SIR 0,5000 g/2,5 g Amberlite XAD-16 to Pb2+ ion as 92,1906 ppm/g.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDevelopment and Characterization of Solvent Impregnated Resin Containing Dithizone Impregnated in Amberlite XAD-16en
dc.titlePembuatan dan Pencirian Solvent Impregnated ResinMengandung Ditizon Terimpregnasi pada Amberlite XAD-16

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