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dc.contributor.advisorSoebrata, Betty Marita
dc.contributor.advisorAries, Antonius
dc.contributor.authorAndarini, Metalia
dc.description.abstractRecycling of used lubricants can be performed by using sulphuric acid and bentonite as adsorbent. However, the resulting sludge is acidic and can pollute the environment unless treated properly. An alternative method is extraction with alkylbenzenesulphonates and linear alkylbenzenesulphonates surfactants. Physical and chemical characterization performed included determination of moisture content, total acid number (TAN), metal content, and counting the number of particles. The results showed that clean lubricants derived from extraction with surfactant had better physical and chemical properties compared with using sulphuric acid. TAN value obtained by using sulphuric acid was 7.74 mg KOH/g, whereas extraction with surfactants resulted <0.5 mg KOH/g. Water content obtained from the use of sulphuric acid was 181.1 ppm, whereas extraction with surfactants gave <50 ppm. Cleanliness level obtained by using sulphuric acid was -/13/10, whereas the product of extraction with surfactant were -/12/10, -/13/10, -/12/9, -/12/9 levels. The lubricant recycled by using sulphaturic acid and extraction with surfactant had fulfilled the cleanliness level required by the internal standard in PT Hyprowira Adhitama Laboratory.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDaur Ulang Pelumas Bekas Menggunakan Asam Sulfat dan Ekstraksi Dengan Surfaktanen

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