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Steering automation on 4 wheels tractor using LabVIEW and RTK-DGPS (case study: 4 wheels mini tractors)

dc.contributor.advisorSembiring, E. Namaken
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Radite P. A.
dc.contributor.advisorPramudya, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorAnnas, Muhammad Sjahrul
dc.description.abstractAutomation has an important embedded function provided in almost all devices and recently becomes a revolutionary function to agricultural machinery. This research deals with the development of 4 wheels tractor’s steering automation prototype. Identification of principal parameters on tractor steering has been done, i.e. torque inflection, left and right maximum inflection angle of front wheel and steering rotation angle to front wheel inflection ratio. Proximity sensor to sense straight-line trajectory and potentiometer to sense inflection angle of front wheel were used, which are objected as feedback for steering control position. All hardware data acquisition were done through Ni-DAQ hardware interface. Data were processed with labVIEW to instruct the motor driver related to change of direction and speed of steering wheel. The result of the experiments showed that steering control based on proximity sensor gave unsatisfied performance. Maximum deviation on the asphalt straight-line trajectory reached the largest deviation of 6.8 cm outer and 6.1 cm inner. Turn right test at the trajectories, resulted the largest deviation at 4.5 cm outer and 7.0 cm inner, whereas turn left test resulted the largest deviation of 6.2 cm outer and 7.2 cm inner. Steering automation performance of RTK-DGPS testing results Steering automation performance of RTK-DGPS testing results on the asphalt path the deviation occurs, the right path of 223 cm, while the left path as far as 89 cm. The results of the land right deviation of 171 cm, while the left side as far as 415 cm while testing using plow implement. deviations occur for the right and left by 75 cm by 11 cm. While in the second test occurred deviation of 123 cm on the right, while on the left by 56 cm.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjecttractor automationen
dc.subjectsteering controlen
dc.titleOtomasi kemudi pada traktor 4 roda menggunakan LabVIEW dan RTK-DGPS (studi kasus traktor mini empat roda)id
dc.titleSteering automation on 4 wheels tractor using LabVIEW and RTK-DGPS (case study: 4 wheels mini tractors)en

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