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dc.contributor.advisorDjoefrie, M. H. Bintoro
dc.contributor.authorNurulhaq, Muhammad Iqbal
dc.description.abstractThe experiment was did to know the effect of number leaves on sago palm seeedling after nurserry for the early growth on the field. The experiment was did 3 month (observation) and 2 month preparing the experiment, starting of februari 2012 until juni 2012. The experiment located on PT. National Sago Prima. Selat Panjang, Riau. The treatment were arranged in completely randomized design. The treatment investigated were the use of seedling at one leaves, two, three or more than (control), and without leave with six replication. The sample taken from each replication, ten sample for each treatmen in replication. The seedling were planted on the hole with size 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm. The result show that the trearment had a significant effect on additional leave, length and width leafe in the new leave (1 and 3), and for ecah variable on the new leave number 4. The treatment had a significant effect on the optimum condition for growth (appearance new leave). The treatment two leave had not significant effect with control treatment. The treatment without leave had lowest value than the other. The positif respons had showing from the treatment two leave on increasing leave, and percentage of life on the field. The highest precentage of life has showing from the treatment two leave with 65% and the lowest showing from the treatment without leave with 15 %.en
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.titlePengaruh jumlah daun bibit tanaman sagu (Metroxylon sp) terhadap pertumbuhan awal di lapanganen

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