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dc.contributor.authorIkhwan, Chairul
dc.description.abstractAnalysis and structure evaluation is necessary in order to achieve a better result, because a successful construction depends on good planning and execution at site will take the rest. Calculation must refer to prevailed regulation. This script is going to evaluate and analyse Agrotropica library of Bogor Agricultural University. The library has been built precisely next to LSI. The building which was designed by PT Fajar Adhi Karya has four main floor, basement and lift machine room control. The method of this research was data collection through As Built Drawing, building modelling using SAP 2000 version 14, define frame section of structure, define and assign load case to it’s model, design the reinforcement of concrete from SAP 2000 version 14’s output such as internal force and compare the result of measurement to existing condition. This research refer to SNI 03 2847 2002 which contained concrete reinforcement design regulation. Structure evaluation input data must have according to As Built Drawing such as dimension, reinforcement type, material type, in order to get effective amount of reinforcement. Stress reinforcement on beam calculation has the biggest differences getting to 166%, and shear reinforcement smallest space 89 mm that hard to execute at the site. Column stress reinforcement evaluation has to be checked towards X and Y direction, all of column in this building was safe except K4 column type toward y direction and according to calculation that ultimate shear force didn’t exceeded nominal shear force, in other word all of column shear reinforcement type in this building is safe. Slab reinforcement design has been planned by moment coefficient method with two direction. It can be seen that N, O, P slab type has larger space than calculation, it need maximum space 120 mm on x direction and 130 mm on y direction but it has been set by M8 – 150 wiremesh which mean 150 mm x direction and 150 mm y direction at site. Pilecaps calculation result shows that it’s need shear reinforcement because ultimate shear force has exceeded nominal shear force. Amount of Stress reinforcement on P4, P8, P9 pilecaps type at site less than calculation because ultimate moment was too big. There are some differencess between calculation and existing condition that may caused by input load data to its modeling and regulation which used by designer.en
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectStructure Evaluationen
dc.subjectStructure Analysisen
dc.subjectConcrete Reinforcementen
dc.subjectSNI 03 2847 2002en
dc.titleEvaluasi struktur perpustakaan agrotropika Institut Pertanian Bogoren

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