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dc.contributor.advisorHasan, A.E. Zainal
dc.contributor.advisorArtika, I Made
dc.contributor.authorFahri, Vita Rosaline
dc.description.abstractSome materials which can be used as Growth Promoter in cattle include antibiotic, hormone, probiotic, prebiotic, and imunomodulator. The use of antibiotics as growth promoter in cattle causes some problems related to microbial resistance and antibiotic residue. The alternative solution is the use of natural antibacteria such as propolis. The aim of this study is to determine potency of nanopropolis of Trigona spp from Bukittinggi as growth promoter using in vivo assays on male rats Sprague-Dawley. Encapsulated propolis nanoparticle was prepared by high speed homogenization technique followed by encapsulation using maltodekstrin with solvent evaporation technique. The size of nanopropolis was measured with SEM. Observation propolis effects in vivo was carried out by measuring body weight of rat and the propolis antibacterial activity in feces and intestine was determinated by plate count method. The results of SEM show that size of nanopropolis is 100 nm. The growth promoter potency was determined by measuring the percentage of body weight gain of the rats. The highest percentage reached by nanopropolis 2%, with effectivity of 109% againts compared to positive control. Percentage of growth nanopropolis 2% 100 mg/KgBB, positive control (ampisilin 250 mg/KgBB), nanopropolis 1% 100 mg/KgBB, raw propolis 100 mg/KgBB, dan standard is 34,62%, 23,39%, 12,5%, 10,92%, dan 2,24%. The most stable count of E.coli on fecal is in nanopropolis 2%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePotensi Nanopropolis Trigona spp Asal Bukittinggi sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan pada Tikus Putih (Sprague-Dawley)en

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