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dc.contributor.authorNurkriswanto, Wiwaswan
dc.description.abstractFree radicals, such as lipid peroxide, are having much attention right now because their significant role in degenerative disease. Hyperlipidemia is one of the major risk factor for atherosclerosis and lead to degenerative disease. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cholesterol lowering substance to the blood peroxide lipid concentration in hyperlipidemic rabbit. Twenty four male New Zealand white rabbits were divided into four groups: normal (given standard rabbit feed), hyperlipidemia (given atherogenic rabbit feed contained 0.5% cholesterol and 5% coconut oil), lovastatin (given mixture of atherogenic rabbit feed and lovastatin 57 mg/day), and extract (given atherogenic rabbit feed and jati belanda leaves extract mixture). Thiobarbitnric acid (TBA) method was used in blood lipid peroxide analysis, measuring the MDA product by spectrophotometer at 532 nm. The result showed that the atherogenic rabbit feed caused the elevation of MDA concentration, which means the elevation of lipid peroxidation process. Blood lipid peroxide concentration in hyperlipidemia group increased 163.76% compared with normal group (1.30 ± 0.38 nmol/ml). Lovastatin and jati belanda leaves extract mixture can act as antioxidant which can lowering blood lipid peroxide concentration 46.92% and 53.03% respectively at 8th week compared with hyperlipidemia group.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleProses Peroksidasi Lipid Kelinci yang Hiperlipidemia pada Pemberian Senyawa Penurun Kolesterolen

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