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dc.contributor.advisorChikmawati, Tatik
dc.contributor.advisorMiftahudin M.
dc.contributor.authorSetiyaningsih, Dwi Suci
dc.description.abstractSelaginella is known as a herb that contains of several flavonoid compounds. This herb is mostly found in moist area that is rich of organic compound. The existence of Selaginella in natural habitat tends to decerase, since low perception on its economic important of this plant. The aim of this research is to obtain an appropriate plant media for growing S. plana dan S. willdenovii, and its effect on the Sellaginellas bioactive compound. The experiment consisted of two factors, the types of media and the species of Selaginella. Eight types of plant media were applied which are, M0= soil 100%. M1= rice husk 100%, M2= rice husk : soil = 1:1, M3= burned rice husk 100%, M4= soil : burned rice huks = 1:1, M5= burned rice husk : rice husk = 1:1, M6= burned rice husk : rice husk = 3:1, M7= burned rice husk : rice husk = 1:3, and two spesies were used, S. plana and S. willdenovii. The increase of branch, fresh and dry weight were observed. Ethanol extract of Selaginella biomass was qualitatively analyzed for flavonoid, tannin, and saponin content. The result showed that both fresh and dry weight of Selaginella were influenced by type of plant media, Selaginella species, and their interaction. Selaginella plana and S. willdenovii grew best on the media that consisted of soil and burned rice husk 1:1. The highest flavonoid content of S. plana and S. willdenovii was also obtained by growing them on the same media. Saponin content of S. plana and S. willdenovii was increased by the treatment of plant media. The treatment also increased tannin content of S. plana, but not of S. willdenovien
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectbioactive compoundsen
dc.subjectplant mediaen
dc.titlePertumbuhan dan Kandungan Bahan Bioaktif Selaginella plana dan S. willdenovii pada Beberapa Media Tanamen

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