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dc.contributor.advisorEdy Djauhari PK
dc.contributor.advisorChaidamsari, Tetty
dc.contributor.authorSa’adah, Nihayatus
dc.description.abstractThe main problem in providing recommended rubber clones for rejuvenating process is breeding cycle length that took 25-30 years. Therefore, before rejuvenated an early detection and selection for superior clones is needed. RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) molecular marker is one of alternative method that can be used for the selection. This research focusing on genetic diversity observation of cross hybrid rubber plant between RRIM 600 and PN 1546. This research used 56 primers that consist of 16 combination primers (named with alphabet from letter A to letter P) and 40 RAPD primers (named OPH-OPJ (1-20)). Version 2.02 of NTSys program was used as tabulation method. DNA amplification of 16 combination primer produced 5 primary candidates for molecular marker, including primer C, primer D, primer N, primer M, and primer I. Each primer has their own specification. Primer D used for RRIM 600 only. Both primer C and M used for PN 1564 only. Primer N and I used for intermediate only. DNA amplification result of 40 RAPD primers has coefficient value range between 0.89 until 0.98. At 0.89 coefficient, 27 rubber plants separated in two major groups. Dendogram analysis also showed that the elders were distantly related.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Sebaran Genetik Hasil Persilangan Tanaman Karet RRIM 600 dan PN 1546 Menggunakan Teknik RAPDen

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