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dc.contributor.advisorJusuf, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorZaelani, Femi Aprilia
dc.description.abstractOne way to obtain high quality isolates in breeding programe is hybridization to increase genetic variation of offspring. The first step for hybridization was monokaryons collection. Monokaryon is haploid primer hyphae resulted of single basidiospore germinated. The research aim to provide Pleurotus sp. monokarions which their mating type has been identified, also conduct monokaryon genotype characteritation through Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism technique (AFLP). This research used basidocarp of one strain of Pleurotus sp. Methods in this research were consisted of: monokaryon isolation, mating type test, segregation test, and genotype variation analysis which consist of DNA isolation, and AFLP. This research successfully got 30 monokaryons which were distributed into four mating types, those are P1O1, P2O2, P1O2, dan P2O1. Two mating type genes present segregation and random assortment theory. Result of AFLP data clustering analysis showed monokaryons had two main group which could be used as considering to choose parentals with far genetic difference.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectmating typeen
dc.titleIsolasi dan Identifikasi Genetik Monokarion Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus sp.)en

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