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dc.contributor.advisorPrawasti, Taruni Sri
dc.contributor.authorWindhi, Dara Vemorista
dc.description.abstractElaeidobius kamerunicus is a weevil pollinator of oil palm. The weevil is host specifics on male flower of oil palm. Population of E. kamerunicus in oil palm plantation is useful to increase fruit set. Fruit set of oil palm depends on pollination. This study addressed to know population of the weevil and environmental factors that affected the weevil population on oil palm. Weevil populations were observed in male flower of oil palm by sampling method in December 2009, February, and March 2010. Relationship between environment factors and weevil population were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation with Sigmaplot software version 11.0. Results showed that population of the weevil in December 2009 was higher than that in February and March 2010. Number of spikelet per bunch was significantly affected to the weevil populationen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectenvironmental factorsen
dc.subjectfruit seten
dc.subjectElaeidobius kamerunicusen
dc.subjectOil palmen
dc.titlePopulasi Kumbang Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. (Curculionidae : Coleoptera) pada Bunga Jantan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.).en

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