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dc.contributor.authorPalupi, Dyah Lingga Nourma
dc.description.abstractInformation on genetic diversity of Ganoderma spp. as a cause of root rot disease in crops is necessary in the development of protection technique from Ganoderma disease. The objectives of this research is to study the genetic diversity of Ganoderma spp. that associated with cacao and its shade trees (sengon, mahoni, and lamtoro) by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker analysis. DNA amplification using 10 arbitrary oligonucleotide primers produced 220 polymorphic DNA fragments which are 100% polymorphic. The cluster analysis showed that 45 number of Ganoderma samples had a high variability with the coefficient value ranged from 0.71 to 0.91. Further analysis using Winboot software showed that three groups of Ganoderma spp. had a high degree of confidence (>50%), which were Ganoderma samples from sengon Tasikmalaya, sengon Palembang, and mahoni Jember; whereas the other groups of samples had a low degree of confidence (<50%).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Keragaman Genetik Ganoderma spp. Menggunakan Penanda Molekuler Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)en

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