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dc.contributor.advisorRahminiwati, Min
dc.contributor.authorPraditi, Citra
dc.description.abstractResearch about the effect of genistein on immunoglobulin E level has been done by using guinea pig as the murine model. Guinea pigs were divided into two groups namely control and genistein. Control group were not sensitisized, while genistein were sensitisized for 40 days by sub cutaneous injection of egg white, NaCl 0.9%, and Al(OH)3 for 30 days, continued by induced egg white in drinking water between day 31 until day 39. On day 40th all these guinea pig were injected with serum in dorsal surface. Day 42nd control group were induced orally with 1 mL aquadest, while genistein group induced orally with 1.84 μg/100 g guinea pig’s body weight in 1 mL aquadest. All guinea pigs then induced with egg white as the allergen and Evan’s Blue dye intravenously. Blood sample were taken before sensitization and after induction of egg white. Immunoglobulin E level of blood sample was calculated by ELISA method, allergic degree were measured by Pasive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis (PCA). PCA analysis shown that control group and genistein group has the equal bluish intensity. IgE level also support the PCA data, thus, it can not be stated that genistein induction alter the decrease of immunoglobulin E level.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleEfek Genistein terhadap Derajat Alergi dan Kadar Imunoglobulin E Marmut yang Diinduksi Putih Teluren

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