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dc.contributor.advisorWahyudi, Aris Tri
dc.contributor.advisorMubarik, Nisa Rachmania
dc.contributor.authorPrasojo, Bramantyo Jati
dc.description.abstractGenus Bacillus has indirectly mechanism to induce the growth of soybean plant by growth suppression of pathogen through production of antibiotic. The objective of this research was to analyze the diversity of 22 antifungal-producing rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp. strain Cr isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plant based on 16S rRNA Sequence and Amplified rDNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA). ARDRA was a tool to measure and analyze the diversity of 22 isolates through digestion of 16S rRNA gene by restriction enzymes i.e. HinfI, HaeIII, and RsaI. Based on this analysis, genetic diversity of 22 Bacillus Cr isolates were classified into eight different groups by ARDRA analysis. Moreover, six isolates selected randomly from each ARDRA group that have strong activity to suppress fungal growth were compared with reference strains based on 16S rRNA partial sequence. The distributions of 22 isolates were genetically diverse on several species of Bacillus sp. such as B. subtilis, B. cereus, and B. fusiformis. Therefore, ARDRA is a reliable technique to analyze genetic diversity of huge bacterial community.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleGenetic Diversity of Antifungal-Producing Rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp. Based on Amplified rDNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) and 16S rRNA Sequenceen

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