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Model Dinamik Pengelolaan Eksosistem Terumbu Karang di Pulau Pramuka, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu

dc.contributor.advisorDamar, Ario
dc.contributor.advisorBoer, Mennofatria
dc.contributor.authorKusumo, Suryo
dc.description.abstractThe increasing number of tourists since 2003 and the development of community-based tourism in protected areas of Pramuka Island in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park caused the pressure on the quality of resources, especially coral reefs ecosystem and also the pressure on the environment. Therefore required a strategy of sustainable management of coral reef resources for tourism activities and coral reefs resources to be sustainable. This study aim is to build a dynamic model of management strategies that can be relied upon in doing the management of coral reef resources in Pramuka Island. Simulations was carried out on 5 scenarios that are scenario A, with no management; scenario B, destructive fishing management (biology sub-system); scenario C, management of entry fee to marine conservation park of Pramuka island (socio-ecomic subsystem); scenario D, waste management (marine environment sub-system) and scenario E, integrated management of coral reefs. Based on multicreria analysis of all scenarios using trade-off analysis that scenario E is the best mangement for sustainability of coral resources at Pramuka island. Management of biology subsystem, marine environments sub-system and socio-economic sub-system are closely related to one another and should be implemented in an integrated manner to ensure the sustainability of coral reef resources. Integrated management of coral reef ecosystem at Pramuka island include the management of the factors that threaten coral reefs; minimum fee into conservation areas of Pramuka Island of Rp 36 000,00 for the tourist; minimum wastewater treatment by 30% before being discharged directly into waters. Integrated management not only ensure the sustainability of coral reef resources, but also to ensure social and economic sustainability at Pramuka Island.en
dc.subjectdynamic modelen
dc.subjectsustainable managementen
dc.subjectcoral reef ecosystemen
dc.subjectintegrated coral reef managementen
dc.titleDynamic Model of Coral Reefs Ecosystem Management at the Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands Marine National Parken
dc.titleModel Dinamik Pengelolaan Eksosistem Terumbu Karang di Pulau Pramuka, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu

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